Monday, February 11, 2013

The Clinton Body Count


The "Clinton Body Count" Conspiracy theory postulates that the deaths of dozens of Americans allegedly associated with the former president William Jefferson Clinton can only be explained as homicides. The underlying assumption of the conspiracy theory is that the mortality rate among friends and associates of Clinton is higher that what would be predicted by the laws of statistical probability. Conspiracy theorists use the term "Arkanicide" (based on Clinton's home state) to describe the allegedly mysterious deaths. The sinister version of the Conspiracy theory posits that the Clinton played a direct role in the murder of some or all of his associated. The more benign version argues that individuals or groups working without the knowledge or approval of Clinton are responsible for the deaths. Admitting an inability to link Clinton to many of the deaths. Linda Thompson, who developed the original body count list, hypothesized that "people trying to control the president" are responsible for the deaths.

The Clinton Body Count originated as a list of thirty-four suicides, accidental deaths, and unsolved murders posted by Thompson in 1994 on a website entitled "The Clinton Body Count: Coincidence or the Kiss of Death." Thompson is a conservative activist who quit her one-year-old Indianapolis general law practice in 1993 in order to start and run the American Justice Federation. According to Thompson, Clinton was directly connected to twenty-eight of the thirty-four individuals on her list. Thompson described as "collateral deaths" an additional four people on the list who allegedly died because of their relationship with an associate of Clinton's, and also included on the list, two individuals (James Bunch and John Wilson) with a possible connection to Clinton.

Former Republican representative William Dannemeyer brought the conspiracy theory to the attention of the U.S. political elite by mailing a letter to the congressional leadership, with copies going to all the members of both chambers of congress in 1994. In the letter Dannemeyer identified twenty-four individuals associated with Clinton who had died under "Other that natural circumstances." Most of the named listed by Dannemeyer in the letter could be found on the website maintained by Thompson. Arguing that the number of suspicious deaths "has reached a total that can only be described as frightening." Dannemeyer called for congressional hearings into the deaths.

The following is a partial list of people with connections to the Clinton's who have died under suspicious circumstances.

1. C. Victor Raiser II
Died: July 30, 1992
Age: 52
Reason: Died in a Private Plane Crash
Position: National Finance Co-Chairman of the Clinton for President Campaign

The national finance co-chairman of the Clinton for President campaign and his son, R. Montgomery Raiser, 22, were among five (5) people killed July 30 in a crash of a private plane near Dillingham, AlaskaVincent Raiser was a past national finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and he served on the boards of the Democratic Business Council and the Center for National Policy and the board of advisers of the Democratic Leadership Counc. native of Indianapolis, he graduated from Princeton University and received a law degree from the University of Virginia. He worked in Buffalo before moving to Washington in 1979. He was a specialist in communications and corporate law and consultant to the law firm of Jones Day Reavis & Pogue until 1991. He was chairman of the American Mobile Satellite Corp., a telecommunications development company in Washington, and vice chairman of Mobile Telecommunication Technologies Corp. of Jackson, Miss., a paging and voice messaging company. Its main subsidiary in Washington is SkyTel Corp., a paging company. [Reported in OBITUARIES, "D.C. Lawyer C.V. Raiser II And Son Die," The Washington Post, August 01, 1992, FINAL Edition, Section: METRO, p. b07.]

2. Vincent Foster
Died: July 21, 1993
Reason: Committed Suicide
Position: White House Counsel

Vincent Foster
A top legal aide to President Clinton was announced to have "committed suicide in a park outside Washington," by the White House. In a statement, White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers said Vince Foster Jr., 48, the White House deputy counsel, was found dead in a suburban Virginia park, apparently killed by a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Foster, originally from Hope, Ark., like Clinton, had come to Washington from the law firm of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
  • No note was found near the body, which was discovered by local authorities in Fort Marcy Park, near Fairfax, Va., officials said, nor was any possible reason Foster might have taken his life put forward.

  • Foster most recently was involved in the administration's so-called Travelgate scandal, involving the abrupt firing of seven long-time employees from the White House travel office and the hiring of a distant cousin of Clinton's.

  • An internal investigation by White House chief of staff Thomas McLarty documented Foster's involvement in the process, which included contacts with the first lady on the subject of possible criminal wrongdoing. But Foster was not among the four White House staffers reprimanded for their roles in the dismissals.

  • Foster was among those responsible for initiating a private audit, then an FBI investigation of the matter. [Also reported in "Park Police To Conduct Inquiry 'Routine' Probe Set On Foster's Death," The Washington Post, July 27, 1993, FINAL Edition By: Michael Isikoff, Washington Post Staff Writer, Section: A SECTION, p. a08.]

  • Foster was purportedly speaking with an Editor at a Washington newspaper prior to his death. He was found shot in the back of the head with a 1913 Colt .38 revolver which he did not own. The revolver had no serial number, even though all Colt revolvers since the late 1800's have had serial numbers except a special series issued to the CIA. Foster advised the Clinton's on their finances. There are presently at least two bank scandals that are emerging from Little Rock Arkansas, involving banks in which the Clinton's have an interest. Additionally, it is now well established that gun and drug running out of Mena, Arkansas, via CIA's Evergreen Aviation and Pat Foley's Summit Aviation has fuelled political coffers for sometime, as the beneficiaries turned a blind eye. Perhaps Foster was privy to this information, among others.

3. Paul Wilcher
Died: June 22, 1993
Age: 49
Reason: Death cause unknown
Position: Washington attorney, investigating gun running out of Mena

The partially decomposed body of Paul Wilcher, a 49-year-old investigative lawyer, was found on a toilet in his Capitol Hill apartment in Washington, D.C. At the time of his death, he was investigating the "October Surprise" conspiracy during the 1980 federal election campaign. He had been interviewing an inmate who claimed to have piloted George Bush to Paris so he could secretly seek to delay the release of 52 American hostages in Iran. [Reported in the "Autopsies delayed as body count rises," The Washington Times, Thursday, July 15, 1993, By: Brian Reilly - Edition: Final Section: A Page: A1.] Not mentioned in this article are other facts. 

Prior to his death, Wilcher had recently spoken with John Parsons, a producer of syndicated television programs, about making a documentary of his findings. He had also spoken with John Vassillos, the attorney for CIA operative Mike RiconosciutoRiconosciuto claims he was involved in a web of underworld, CIA, and Department of Justice dealings, revealed in allegations brought by a computer company called Inslaw Inc.  that the Justice Department had set a software product, "Promis," then driven the firm into bankruptcy and that the program had been sold to countries all over the world by persons affiliated with then attorney-general Ed MeeseRiconosciuto says that the program was provided to Wackenhut Corp. of Coral Gables, FL, and that Wackenhut hired 50 of the world's top programmers to modify the code of the software at the Southern California Cabazon Indian reservationRiconosciuto also has detailed his involvement in gun running and drug dealing conducted out of MenaArkansasDanny Casalero, 44, a reporter who was investigating the Inslaw scandal and had spoken with Riconosciuto, was found murdered in a hotel bathtub in Washington D.C.. in 1991, the day after telling friends and family that was about to receive material that would provide him with documentation linking Inslaw to October Surprise and the Iran-Contra scandalsPaul Wilcher was also investigating these same links, as well as their connection to the deaths of the ATF agents and Branch Davidians at Mt. Carmel at the time of his own death.

4. Maj. Gen. Jarrett J. Robertson || Col. William J. Densberger || Col. Robert J. Kelly || Spec. Gary L. Rhodes
Died: February 23, 1993
Reason: Died in a VH-60N Blackhawk Helicopter Crash
Position: Bodyguards

Major General Jarrett J. Robertson
The deputy commanding general of V Corps, died when an Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter crashed as it attempted to land at Wiesbaden air base February 23, 1993. V Corps is an armoured force head quartered in nearby Frankfurt, and is the U.S. Army's chief combat component in Europe which currently has troops in Somalia and a medical unit in Croatia. Also killed were Col. William J. Densberger, 47, the corps' chief of operations and plans; Col. Robert J. Kelly, 48, its chief of intelligence; and Spec. Gary L. Rhodes, 23, the helicopter crew chief. The officers were returning from a meeting at the U.S. European Command headquarters in Stuttgart when their Blackhawk fell suddenly to the ground not far from the Wiesbaden air base's control tower and burst into flames.[Reported in "U.S. General, Aides Die in Helicopter Crash in Germany," The Washington Post, February 25, 1993, FINAL Edition, By: Special to The Washington Post, Section: A SECTION, p. a14.]

On March 2, 1993, Rear Adm. L.E. Allen Jr. relieved Rear Adm. Frederick L. Lewis as commanding officer of Carrier Group 4 and Commander Carrier Striking Force on March 2, 1993, in NorfolkVa. (which includes the USS Roosevelt). Allen was formerly stationed in Washington, D.C., where he served as deputy director for operations on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Lewis was reassigned to a land job as commander of Naval Doctrine Command, which later became operational on March 12. [Reported in "COMMAND C " VIRGINIAN-PILOT (Norfolk, VA) (VP) - Tuesday, March 2, 1993, Edition: FINAL Section: LOCAL Page: D4].

5. James McDougal
Died: March 8, 1998

Reason: Died of Heart Attack

Jim McDougal was serving his three-year sentence for bank fraud at the Fort Worth Federal Medical Center in Texas, a facility operated by the federal Bureau of Prisons for inmates who need medical attention. Just prior to another round of testimony before Kenneth Starr's grand jury, McDougal, while in solitary confinement, suffered a heart attack that may have been brought on by diuretics forced on him. When Jim McDougal was finally taken
out of solitary, instead of attempting to defibrillate his heart with equipment on hand at the facility, he was driven over to John Peter Smith Hospital. Not the closest hospital to the Fort Worth Federal Medical Center, John Peter Smith hospital is a public hospital, where (in the words of one local) ,"They let interns practice on deadbeats."

The single most damning fact to come out of the McDougal death was his injection with Lasix, a diuretic, to force his giving of a urine sample for drug testing, even though McDougal was not a known drug user. Lasix is contra-indicated in cases of heart disease and can cause excessive diuresis, blood volume reduction, circulatory collapse and vascular thrombosis or blood clots. If a matching potassium supplement is not administered at the same time, Lasix can kill. McDougal may have been taking the heart medication Digitalin, which cannot be combined with Lasix. Several inmates had gone public with the claim that McDougal was given a heavy injection of Lasix right after he ate lunch, but the prison system has refused to allow those prisoners to be interviewed or to release McDougal's medical records. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram recently acquired the official report of the McDougal death via a Freedom Of Information Act request, and found that doctors ignored McDougal's signs of imminent death.

6. Ron Miller
Died: Oct 12, 1997

Position: Witness

Ron Miller, investigated by authorities over the sale of his company, Gage Corp. to Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. was the man who tape-recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned those tapes (and other records) over to congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were sentenced to prison for campaign finance violations, using "straw donors" to conceal the size of their contributions to various candidates. Indeed, Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. had hired Ron Brown's son Michael solely for the purpose of funneling $60,000 through him to the Commerce secretary, according to Nolanda Hill's testimony. Reportedly a healthy man, Miller suddenly took ill on Oct. 3, and steadily worsened until his death nine days later. (This pattern fits Ricin poisoning.) Owing to the strangeness of the illness, doctors at the Integris Baptist Medical Center referred the matter to the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's Office. The Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's Office promptly ran tests on samples of Ron Miller's blood, but has refused to release the results or even to confirm that the tests were ever completed.

7. Mary Mahoney 
Died: July 1997
Reason: Murdered for Robbery
Position: White House Intern

An attractive 25-year-old woman, Mahoney was a former White House intern for Bill Clinton working as the assistant manager at a Starbuck's Coffee shop in GeorgetownGunmen entered the Starbuck's while the crew was cleaning up after closing. Mahoney's two associates, Aaron Goodrich18 and Emory Evans, 25, were taken to a room and shot. Mary herself had five bullets in her, from at least two different guns, most likely with silencers. A total of 10 shots were fired; none of them heard by neighbours in the densely populated Georgetown section. Mahoney was shot in the chest, her face, and in the back of the head. Even though more than $4,000 remained in the store, the police have categorized the triple murder as a robbery, even as they acknowledge the "execution style" killings. There was no sign of forced entry. One report said the cafe was still locked when the bodies were found the next morning. George StephanopoulosMonica Lewinsky and Chelsea Clinton were all regulars at the Starbuck's.

8. William Colby
Died: April 27, 1996

Reason: Found Dead, Death cause unknown 
Position: Director of Central Intelligence(Ret.)

William Colby

William Colby had been the DCI(Director of Central Intelligence) from 1973 to 1976 under Nixon and Ford. At age 76, Colby had found a new career and had just started writing for Strategic Investment at the time of his death. This had worried many insiders in the intelligence community who felt that Colby had already divulged too many of the CIA's secrets in the preceding years. Indeed, his dismissal by Ford because of his over-cooperation with congressional investigations into CIA wrongdoing. It was Colby who had revealed to Congress the plans to kill Fidel Castro, the spying on American citizens (in direct violation of the CIA charter) and the conducting of biological tests by the CIA on unsuspecting citizens. He was replaced by George Bush. According to the original CNN report, Colby was reported missing by neighbours who "recovered" his canoe, by one story from under the dock at Colby's house, by another report, a quarter mile downstream. 
Colby was, by all reports, a methodical, tidy man, yet police found his home unlocked, his computer on, and a partly eaten dinner on the table. 

The official story is that Colby just put down his fork and decided to drop everything and go canoeing. Colby at 76 was still a world-traveller and consultant to many corporations. He recently became an editor of an important financial newsletter, "Strategic Investment," which covered the Vince Foster "suicide" in detail. Its editors hired three renowned handwriting experts to investigate Foster's suicide note, which hadn't been found when his briefcase was first searched, but later materialized, torn into pieces, with no fingerprints on any of the pieces. Upon comparing this document with others of Foster's writings, these experts declared it was a forgery, and a not very good one at that. 

Colby had old enemies as well as new, with plenty of motives for his extermination. He was in charge of the infamous Operation Phoenix during the Vietnam War, in which more than 20,000 South Vietnamese citizens -- supposedly Viet Cong sympathizers -- were rounded up, tortured and executed. In the 1970's he opened some of the secrets of the CIA to Congress: "Colby insisted on going public about the agency's role in tapping the telephones and opening the mail of Americans; plotting the assassination of Fidel Castro, and using human guinea pigs for mind-control experiments involving LSD," the Times reports. On Monday, May 6, Colby's body was found just 20 yards from where his canoe had been recovered, in an area that had been thoroughly searched several times by helicopters and search teams. Most notable about the body was the absence of a life jacket, which according to his wife, Colby always wore on the water.

9. Paul Tully
Died: September 24, 1992

Reason: Death Cause Unknown
Position: Democratic National Committee Political Director

Paul Tully

Paul Tully, DNC(Democratic National Committee) Political Director, was found dead in a Little Rock hotel room. No cause was ever determined and no autopsy was allowed. Tully was a key member of the damage control squad and came up with some of the Clinton strategies. 

Problem is, there wasn't anything the least bit unusual about his death, so whoever cooked up this list had to lie and claim that "no cause was ever determined" and "no autopsy was allowed." However, an autopsy was performed, and Tully's cause of death was determined: a massive heart attack. (Not a surprising demise, since Tully was extremely overweight, a heavy drinker, and a chain smoker.) According to Steve Nawojczyk, the Pulaski County coroner, "An autopsy by the Arkansas medical examiner's office discovered advanced coronary artery disease." He added that investigators found no evidence of external trauma to the body.

Note again that the conspiracy buffs offer no putative reason for Tully's "killing," yet would have us believe that Clinton ordered his chief strategist rubbed out while the most important election of his career was still over a month away.

10. Ed Willey

Died: November 29, 1993
Reason: Committed Suicide

Ed Willey, Clinton's fund raiser. Found in the woods in Virginia with a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey was a former Virginia state senator and a lawyer; his wife Kathleen was active in Democratic state politics, worked as a volunteer (including some fund-raising efforts) on behalf of the Clinton campaign in Virginia in 1992, and later worked as a volunteer in the White House Social Office. Ed Willey's death was as clear cut a case of suicide as one is likely to find. Willey was a desperate, unstable man who (along with his wife) spent money lavishly, stole $275,000 of a client's money, and was about half a million dollars in debt to the IRS. He took his own life on 29 November 1993, leaving behind a suicide note found by his wife: "Saying I'm sorry doesn't begin to explain. I hope one day you will forgive me."

At the same time as Willey was killing himself, his wife was allegedly being groped by Clinton. She'd gone to the Chief Executive looking for a job to help her family out of its financial crisis and found herself fending off Clinton's advances. Clinton admits to the meeting but denies her version of what went on during it. Kathleen Willey testified in Paula Jones' harassment suit against Clinton, but she's never claimed that Clinton had her husband killed.

11. Hershell Friday
Died: March 1, 1994
Age: 73
Reason: Died in a Air-Plane Crash
Position: Attorney and Clinton's Fund Raiser
Hershell Friday, Clinton's fund-raiser. His plane exploded. 

Hershell Friday, an Arkansas lawyer who had been on the Clinton campaign finance committee, died in a air-plane accident on 1 March 1994. His plane did not "explode"; the elderly (73-year-old) Friday, at the controls, crashed it during an attempted landing on a poorly-lighted private airfield at dusk on a dark and drizzly day.

12. Jerry Parks
Died: September 26, 1993
Reason: Murdered(Unsolved)
Position: Former Security Team Member
Jerry Parks, the former security team member for Governor Clinton. Prior to his death he had compiled an extensive file on Clinton's activities. His family had reported being followed and his home broken into just before being gunned down at a deserted intersection. On 26 September 1993, Luther (Jerry) Parks was hit with ten bullets from a 9-mm semi-automatic handgun as he left a Mexican restaurant at the edge of Little Rock. His murder remains unsolved.

Parks' security company guarded Clinton's campaign headquarters in 1992. Parks' son, Gary, asserts in Circle of Power and The Clinton Chronicles (both video products of Linda Thompson's American Justice Federation) that his father collected a secret file of Clinton's indiscretions, and that his father was using the file to try to blackmail the Clinton campaign. (He also claims that Vince Foster knew of the file's existence.) Despite these allegations, the younger Parks has failed to produce the mysterious file, and Clyde Steelman, the homicide sergeant with the Little Rock police force, dismissed Gary Parks' theories of his father's death as "unsubstantiated, nothing to grasp." A far more likely suspect in the murder is Jerry Parks' former partner, with whom Parks had quarrelled bitterly.

13. John Wilson
Died: May 19, 1993
Reason: Committed Suicide(very suspicious)
Position: Former Washington D.C. Council Member

John Wilson, the former Washington D.C. council member. Had ties to Whitewater. Died of a very suspicious hanging suicide. John Wilson was the chairman of the District of Columbia Council, and his suicide was far from "very suspicious": Wilson had a long history of depression, was wrestling with marital problems, and had tried to kill himself on at least four other occasions. He finally succeeded on 19 May 1993. Upon his death, Wilson's wife said, "[His] depression was an inherited problem; that he was able to contribute so much over the years in the face of his disability was a miracle." Police said that he did not leave a note and that there were no signs of foul play.

Wilson had absolutely nothing in common with Clinton other than that they worked in the same city (i.e., Washington, D.C.). The claim that Wilson had anything to do with Whitewater is laughable.

14. Kathy Ferguson

Died: May 11, 1994
Reason: Committed Suicide
Position: Ex-Wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson

Kathy Ferguson, the former wife of Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson, the co-defendant with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Found dead in her living room of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Interestingly, her packed suitcases seemed to indicate she was about to go somewhere. Kathy Ferguson killed herself with a gunshot to the right temple on 11 May 1994 at the home of her boyfriend, Bill Shelton. Their relationship had fallen on hard times, with each accusing the other of having been unfaithful. Ferguson left behind a suicide note that read: "I can't stay here any longer. Things will never be the same for us. I can't take that." Close by was another note from Shelton questioning her relationship with another man, which Ferguson's daughter said her mother had been upset over.

There was no mention of packed suitcases in any of the reports about Ferguson's death examined so far, but even if there were, it wouldn't be the least bit surprising — is it so unusual that a woman might be thinking of moving out of the house of a boyfriend who quarrelled with her and challenged her fidelity?

15. Bill Shelton
Died: June 12, 1994
Reason: Committed Suicide
Position: Arkansas State Trooper and Fiancé of Kathy Ferguson

Bill Shelton, the Arkansas state trooper and fiancé of Kathy Ferguson. Allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself at her grave. 

Shelton killed himself over Kathy Ferguson's grave on 12 June 1994. A suicide note was found beside his body. Just a month earlier he had quarrelled with his girlfriend, accused her of cheating on him, and driven her to suicide. There's nothing mysterious about his death or his reasons for taking his life. And if the idea that the ex-wife of an Arkansas state trooper was a Clinton "connection" weren't absurd enough, we're now offered the boyfriend of an ex-wife of an Arkansas state trooper.

16. Gandy Baugh
Died: January 8, 1994
Reason: Committed Suicide
Position: Attorney representing Mr. Lasater in a case concerning alleged financial misconduct.

Gandy Baugh, the attorney for Dan Lasater in a financial misconduct case. Supposedly jumped out the window of a tall building to commit suicide. Gandy Baugh died on 8 January 1994 at home. Although causes weren't specified, it's safe to assume people who jump out of tall buildings either die on the spot or in the hospital, not at home.

17. Dr. Donald Rogers
Died: March 3, 1994
Reason: Died in a Suspicious Plane Crash
Position: The Dentist

Donald Rogers, the dentist. Killed in a suspicious plane crash on his way to an interview with reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard to reveal information about Clinton. On 3 March 1994, the Cessna carrying a pilot, Donald Rogers, and two other passengers crashed. The pilot had earlier radioed in that he was experiencing electrical trouble and then lost radio contact. The NTSB investigation after the crash revealed that the plane's left generator severely overheated and shut down, leaving the plane without electrical systems. The plane went down far off its planned route, and the pilot was good and lost at the time of the crash.

18. Stanley Huggins
Died: June 23, 1994
Reason: Died of Viral Pneumonia
Position: Partner in Memphis Law Firm

Stanley Huggins, the lawyer investigating Madison Guaranty. His extensive report has never been released. How anyone can confuse dying of pneumonia with suicide is beyond me. 

According Dr. Richard Callery, Delaware's top medical examiner, viral myocardium and bronchial pneumonia killed HugginsLt. Joel Ivory of the University of Delaware police said his exhaustive investigation of Huggins's death turned up "no sign at all of foul play."

19. Florence Martin
Died: October 23, 1994
Age: 69
Reason: Murdered(Unsolved)
Position: Accountant subcontracting to CIA

Florence Martin, the accountant for the CIA and had information on the Barry Seal Mena Airport Drug Smuggling Case. Three gunshot wounds to the head. On 23 October 1994, 69-year-old Florence Martin of MabelleTexas (40 miles from Wichita Falls) was murdered in her home by three gunshots to the head through a pillow. 

She wasn't an accountant for the CIA, though: She worked the graveyard shift at a convenience store in nearby Seymour and had lived in that area for decades. The murder is still unsolved.

20. Suzane Coleman
Reason: Committed Suicide

Suzane Coleman was reportedly had an affair with Clinton. Was seven months pregnant at the time she was found dead of a gun shot wound to the back of the head, ruled suicide. 

At the time of Susan Coleman's suicide, Bill Clinton was her law professor. In 1992 an overzealous supporter of George Bush hired investigators to probe this girl's 1977 suicide. They found no evidence that the two had even had an affair. It was an old rumour and a baseless one, and even a determined attempt at muckraking turned up nothing to substantiate it.

21. Paula Grober
Died: December 7, 1992
Reason: Died in a Car Accident
Position: Clinton's Interpreter for the Deaf

Paula Grober, the Clinton's interpreter for the deaf. Travelled with Clinton from 1978 until her death in 1992 in a one-car accident. There were no witnesses. The accident took place during the afternoon of 7 December 1992. Paula Grober's car overturned at a curve in the highway, throwing her 33 feet from the vehicle. No one witnessed the accident.

22. Jon Parnell Walker
Died: August 15, 1993
Reason: Death Cause Unknown
Position Resolution Trust Corporation Investigator

Jon Parnell Walker, the Resolution Trust Corporation investigator who mysteriously fell to his death from an apartment balcony. The same apartment which was alleged to have been a secret getaway which Foster may have visited. He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee ScandalVarious lists state this tragedy happened on 15 August 1993 at the Lincoln Towers in ArlingtonVirginia.

23. Ron Brown
Died: April 3, 1996
Reason: Died in a Plane Crash
Position: Former Chairman of Democratic National Committee, Commerce Secretary

Ron Brown

Ron Brown, the former DNS Chairman, Commerce Secretary. Reported to have died in a plane crash, but new evidence reveals he may have been shot in the head. He was being investigated by a special investigator and was about to be indicted with 54 others. He spoke publicly of his willingness to "make a deal" with the prosecutors to save himself a few days before the fatal trip. He was not supposed to be on the flight but was asked to go at the last minute. (This count does not include the other business leaders and other passengers who died on this government-sponsored trade mission.) What "new evidence"? Ron Brown and 34 others were killed in a plane crash in Croatia on 3 April 1996. The plane slammed into a mountain while on landing approach. There were no survivors.

A lot has been made of an x-ray of Brown's skull in which what looks like a round entry wound appears. Closer examination of Brown's skull by military officials revealed no bullet, no bone fragments, no metal fragments and, even more telling, no exit wound.

Simply imagining a scenario under which Ron Brown could have been shot takes one into the realm of the absurd. Was he shot in the head during the flight, in full view of thirty-four other witnesses? (If so, how did the shooters get off the plane?) Did the killers shoot him before the flight, then bundle his body into a seat (just like Weekend at Bernie's) and hope nobody noticed the gaping hole in his head? Or did Croatian commandos fortuitously appear on the scene to scale a mountain and pump a bullet into the head of an already-dead plane crash victim?

24. Barbara Wise
Died: November 29, 1996
Reason: Committed Suicide
Position: Commerce Department Staffer

Barbara Wise, the Commerce Department secretary. Worked with Ron Brown and John Huang and had extensive knowledge of their activities. Found dead in her locked office the day after Thanksgiving. It was ruled a suicide. Interestingly, she was found partially clothed, bruised, and in a pool of blood. 

There was no pool of blood, and Barbara Wise's death was never ruled a suicide by anyone. She was discovered in her Commerce Department office on 29 November 1996 after last being seen alive on 27 November 1996, the day before Thanksgiving. A thorough investigation uncovered no evidence of foul play or suicide. Wise had a history of frequent and severe health problems, including liver ailments. Her death was attributed to natural causes.

25. Charles Meissner
Died: April 3, 1996
Reason: Died in a Plane Crash
Position: Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy

Charles Meissner, the Assistant Secretary of Commerce. John Huang was given a special security clearance by Meissner. Shortly thereafter, he died in the crash of a small plane. Charles Meissner died in the same plane crash that took the life of Ron Brown, the one in Croatia on 3 April 1996. Fourteen Commerce Department staffers died in that crash, Meissner and Brown among them. 

26. Dr. Stanley Heard
Died: September 10, 1993
Reason: Died in a Plane Crash
Position: Chairman of National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee

Dr. Stanley Heard, the Chairman of National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee. He personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather, and brother. His personal small plane developed problems so he rented another. Fire broke out in flight and he crashed. Stanley Heard and Stephen Dickson died on 10 September 1993, when their Piper Turbo Lance II caught fire shortly after take-off from Dulles airport and crashed. They'd attended a briefing that morning on the Clinton administration's health care plan. Dickson's plane had developed mechanical problems on the way to Washington the week before, so Dickson and Heard rented the Cherokee in St. Louis to make the trip. They rented a badly maintained plane, and it cost them their lives.

27. Stephen Dickson
Died: September 10, 1993
Reason: Died in a Plane Crash
Position: Counsel to Mr. Heard

Stephen Dickson, attorney for Heard. Died in same plane crash. Dickson attended the same briefing Heard did. I do not know if he was there as Heard's lawyer or for independent reasons.

28. John Millies
Reason: Death Cause Unknown
Position: Staff Director of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Committee

John Millies, the video journalist and investigator. He helped to produce the documentaries "Circle of Power," and "The Clinton Chronicles." He mysteriously died in a dentist's chair for no apparent reason.

We're now entering an long segment of the list wherein a number of deaths are tied to those of Henry and Ives, who are supposedly linked to Clinton. All of this linkage is one big canard. Henry and Ives had nothing to do with Clinton — they were two young men who foolishly ripped off drugs from a dealer and were beaten to death in revenge. With no link between Clinton and Henry or Ives, the following eight entries collapse like a house of cards.

29. & 30. Kevin Ives and Don Henry
Died: Aug 23, 1987
Age: 17
Reason: Died in a Accident on the Train Tracks

Kevin Ives and Don Henry, seventeen-year-old boys who apparently saw something related to drugs in Mena by accident late at night. Officially ruled an accidental death on the train tracks, but evidence shows they died before being placed on the tracks - one of a crushed skull and the other of a knife wound in the back. Henry and Ives were run over by a train on 23 Aug 1987. Dr. Fahmy Malak, Arkansas' former state medical examiner, ruling the deaths accidental, said the teens fell asleep on the tracks after smoking marijuana. A 1988 Saline County grand jury determined the boys were murdered and their bodies afterwards laid on the tracks, but no other conclusions were reached and no indictments were returned. The FBI is still investigating the deaths.

A number of Malak's determinations had been challenged and overturned during his career. He certainly wasn't always a conscientious medical examiner, and his Ives and Henry rulings were only two of many such botching's.

Getting back to the real meat of who killed the boys, nothing ties Ives and Henry to Clinton. Though various of these lists will claim the boys accidentally stumbled onto a "protected" drug drop and were killed for it, there's no reason to believe even that. In a 25 May 1990 hearing before U.S. Magistrate Henry Jones Jr., Katherine Brightop said her ex-boyfriend Paul William Criswell told her, he and three other men were involved in the teenagers' deaths. Brightop said Criswell told her the boys tried to steal cocaine from Callaway's home and they were caught and beaten to death before their bodies were placed on the tracks.

31. Keith Koney
Died: May 17, 1988
Age: 19
Reason: Died in a Bike Accident

Keith Koney had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Died in a motorcycle accident with reports of a high-speed car chased involved. 19-year-old Keith Koney died on 17 May 1988 when the motorcycle he was driving struck the back of a tractor-trailer. He was riding a motorcycle he'd stolen the day before. There were no reports of a high-speed car chase.

32. Keith McKaskle
Died: November 10, 1988
Reason: Stabbed to Death

Keith Mckaskle had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Stabbed to death. In August 1989, Ronald Shane Smith was sentenced to ten years for the 10 November 1988 murder of Keith McKaskle

McKaskle had earlier expressed fears for his life, linking them to his knowing something about "the rail road track thing". He had told his family someone was out to kill him and told them "goodbye." Smith may have been paid to kill McKaskle, as a prison inmate said he had been approached and offered $4,000 to kill McKaskle himself.

33. Gregory Collins
Died: December 2, 1989
Age: 25
Reason: Found Dead, Death Cause Unknown

Gregory Collins had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Gunshot wound to the head. Greg Collins (25) of Bryant, Arkansas, was found shot in woods near Rosston on 2 December 1989. If he truly knew something about drug-related murders, that's reason enough for him to have been killed.

34. Jeff Rhodes
Died: April 1989
Reason: Murdered

Jeff Rhodes had information on the Ives and Henry and McKaskle deaths. His burned body was found in a trash dump in April 1989. He died of a gunshot wound to the head and there was some body mutilation, specifically that his hands and feet had been partially sawed off, leading to the speculation that he was tortured prior to being killed. The body was likely burned in an effort to destroy forensic evidence that would led investigators to the murderer.

In July 1989 Frank Pilcher was arrested for the April 1989 murder of Jeffrey RhodesRhodes had earlier told his father he feared for his life because he'd witnessed a narcotics transaction.

35. James Milam
Reason: Death Cause Unknown

James Milam had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. He was decapitated. The state Medical examiner, Fahmy Malak, initially ruled death due to natural causes, claiming that the victim's small dog had eaten the head, which was later recovered from a trash bin several blocks away.

Milam's daughter-in-law insists Milam was murdered. She claims Malak showed her photographs of the headless corpse, and the neck was cut clean. The Milam family has not attempted to legally challenge the ruling because of the expense, so we'll never know which way the cat jumps, ulcer or murder.

Whatever killed him, Milam died three months before the Ives and Henry murders. What are we supposed to believe here, that Clinton conspirators knocked off someone who "had information on the Ives and Henry deaths" three months Ives and Henry actually died?

36. Jordan Kettleson
Died: June 25, 1990
Age: 21
Reason: Found Dead, Death Cause Unknown

Jordan Kettleson had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Found shot in the front seat of his pick up truck.

The Following were the Clinton's Bodyguards:

37. Major William S. Barkley Jr.
Died: May 19, 1993
Age: 27
Reason: Died in a VH-60N Blackhawk Helicopter Crash

Major Barkley, 27, of Hickory, N.C. became a naval aviator in 1977 and was assigned to the presidential squadron in January 1990. He was one of only eight pilots in the squadron authorized to fly the president, according to Betty Jo Bragg, long-time secretary to Barkley's father.

38. Staff Sgt. Brian D. Haney
Died: May 19, 1993
Age: 32
Reason: Died in a VH-60N Blackhawk Helicopter Crash

Staff Sgt. Brian D. Haney, 32, of North Ridgeville, Ohio, was the quality assurance representative on the helicopter. Carolyn Haney, his mother, said her son had flown with President George Bush to Europe and in the presidential campaign "all over the United States."

40. Sgt. Timothy D. Sabel
Died: May 19, 1993
Age: 27
Reason: Died in a VH-60N Blackhawk Helicopter Crash

Sgt. Timothy D. Sabel, 27, of Ripon, Wis., was "responsible for the maintenance of the air-plane  He goes on all flights," said Master Sgt. Paul Earle, a Marine spokesman at Quantico, Virginia (which is also FBI headquarters).

41. Capt. Scott J. Reynolds.
Died: May 19, 1993
Age: 33
Reason: Died in a VH-60N Blackhawk Helicopter Crash

Capt. Scott J. Reynolds, 33, of Wausau, Wis., joined the Marines in 1984, was designated a naval aviator in 1987 and was a veteran of the Persian Gulf War.

More Bodyguards

February 28, 1993. In the initial assault on Mt. Carmel in Waco, Texas, four agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms were killed. Those killed in the attack were:

42. Steve Willis, of Houston
Age: 32

43. Robert J. Williams, of Little Rock, Ark
Age: 26

44. Conway LeBleu, of New Orleans
Age: 30

45. Todd McKeehan, of New Orleans
Age: 28

21, total confirmed deaths of persons connected to Clinton in the past year. All of these people died of unnatural causes. Four were shot, 17 were killed in crashes of helicopters or air-planes.  The statistical probabilities of Clinton knowing 21 people, all of whom died either in accidents or under mysterious circumstances in less than a year's time, is virtually zero.